Richard Buckley - The General

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This is a powerful & evocative soundtrack that captures the atmosphere of the award-winning film "The General". Richie Buckley is a renowned Irish saxophone player, here he blends jazz, contemporary, rock and Irish traditional music influences. The album features two songs by the legendary Van Morrison.

The General; Jewel Thief; Martin & Frances; Running Free; So Quiet In here; Martin & Frances Variation 1; Martin's Bike Blues; The GeneralĀ  - Reprise 1; Frances; The Beit Heist; Belirium; Arcade getaway; The general - Reprise 2; Tina; Jewel Thief 2; Step Together; Jewel Thief 3; Martin The Artist; Martin, Frances & Tina; Delirium & The General; It Once Was My Life.